If you have an eCommerce store, are advertising on Facebook already and are familiar with technical aspects of setting up ads, then read on!
(NOTE: This is not a technical blog, but rather a strategic compilation for what is needed to set up these ads. If you need help setting up a DPA feed on Facebook, email us for help. Or follow the links I have put in for reference.)
Before you start:
What platform are you running your eCommerce shop on? WordPress, Shopify, Magento?
They probably will require different integrations with creating the Facebook Catalog feed.
The below steps are what we followed for a Shopify site. These may or may not be similar to WordPress / Magento steps.
Set Up and Implementation:
- Ensure you are using an ad account in Facebook Business Manager and have the pixel installed on your website
- Read here for more info: https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1428785834029669
- Ensure you are recording audience sizes and have custom audiences set-up to record traffic to your website. You need an audience size bigger than 100 people to make this work.
- Read here – https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1474662202748341
- Note: You can run a website clicks campaign to build the minimum required audience and then use that audience for the dynamic advertising.
- Ensure you have a product catalogue on your website.
- What is a product catalogue? https://www.facebook.com/business/help/890714097648074
- Shopify users – follow these instructions to set one up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uerBZDGQNY
- Set up a Google Merchant Account. You’ll need this to set the Google Shopping Catalogue. This helps Facebook pull the correct product details into the feed.
- Set up the Google Shopping catalogue – Add the Google Shopping App to Shopify to create the Google Shopping Catalogue.
- For Shopify we installed this – https://apps.shopify.com/google-shopping
- Make sure Facebook Conversion Tracking is set up properly in your Shopify account.
- Notes
- When using FB DPA, you can’t install the FB pixel through the Shopify admin section. You will need to install it in the liquid.theme template.
- How To Install a Facebook Tracking & Conversion Pixel on Shopify – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEH6erMSKZk
- Facebook recommends to set up these events on your Full Conversion Funnel:
- Add ViewContent events to your product pages
- Add AddToCart events to your shopping cart pages and the buttons that allow customers to add items to their carts
- Add Purchase events to purchase or thank you pages
- Notes
- Ensure you are using an ad account in Facebook Business Manager and have the pixel installed on your website
Devise your ad strategy:
Why are you running this ad? What kind of products are you selling?
Are you selling t-shirts and want to send an ad to everyone who views all of your t-shirts?
Or do you sell a lot of brands and styles and therefore want to create tailored ads to show to people looking for a particular style? You will want to divide up your product catalogue into sets if this is the case.
Min. 9.37 of this video talks about creating Product Sets in Facebook – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uerBZDGQNY
Set Up Your Ad:
You will have to create these through the Power Editor.
- Create a campaign
- Create an Ad Set. You will choose ‘Product Sets’, ‘Audience’, ‘Budget + Duration’ and ‘Placement’ here.
- Create an Ad. You will have the option to choose a carousel of images (recommended by Facebook) or one image. Fill in the rest of your ad copy.
- Note: We had trouble using the ‘One Image’ selection because the images were distorted.
Monitor and Optimize:
Check in on your ad and make sure that Facebook is spending your budget. If the audience size is too small, Facebook won’t show your ads!
Tell us – Have you set up a Dynamic Product Ad on Facebook before? Do you have anything to add that is helpful to our readers?
Or if you need help setting this up, reach out to our team and we can gladly assist.
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