- Quicksilver – This is a launcher utility app for Mac OS X that gives you the ability to perform common, everyday tasks rapidly and without thought. After installing this app, you’ll never have to have your computer desktop cluttered with icons again.
- OneTab – An extension for Google Chrome and Firefox that converts all of your open browser tabs into a list. Remove clutter and free up more computer memory.
- Adblock Plus – This is my fave! It’s an extension that blocks those annoying ads from your web browser. It’s free too 🙂
- Bartender – Organize your menu bar apps in Mac.
- Mercury Toolkit – turns any web page into a clean view for reading on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. This is a great way to remove all of those annoying ads that show up on popular websites when you’re trying to read an article. Here’s another article that lists out lots of different RSS readers on the market.
- News Feed Eradicator for Facebook – Facebook addicts listen up! This Chrome extension will replace your Facebook news feed with an inspiring quote instead.
- Freedom – An app for Mac that allows you to lock yourself away from the Internet. Productivity here we come!
- SelfControl – Another app for Mac. It lets you block your access to sites and mail servers for a set amount of time.
- StayFocusd – An extension for Chrome that allows you to restrict the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites.
- Forest – Stay focused, be present. This is a clever way to stay off your phone when you should be working. The app lets you plant a digital tree whenever you want to focus. The tree will then grow during the next 30 minutes, but if you leave the app, the tree will die. Stay committed and you’ll plant a forest.
Do you have any other apps you use to help you stay focused and avoid digital clutter? Tell me in the comments below!
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