Passwords can be one of the most frustrating things when you’re managing a team or even your household.
If you’re still using a spreadsheet or emailing your passwords back and forth, or just need a better system for managing passwords, then this is what you need to know.
The Tool I Use To Manage My Passwords
In order to manage passwords seamlessly and intuitively, I use an app called Lastpass.
You can get it as an extension on chrome and also as an app on your phone.
So every time I go to a website, 3 little dots pop up and I can choose my password.
It even prompts me every time I create a new password somewhere and asks if I want to save it.
If you run a business, this password manager is going to save you a lot of headaches.
- You can use their team version and centrally manage all of your passwords without having email passwords back and forth.
- You can also remove/manage team members who have access as well as share passwords that you need with clients or vice versa.
- You can even restrict the ability of people to change passwords and only have read-only access.
A lot of tech companies make money on extra users, however, for a small business, extra user seats on every tech tool can add up. I find it’s cheaper and simpler to just have a team subscription on LastPass and control who on your team should see what.
There is a free version that you can trial – here’s the link.
I even find Lastpass great for managing family passwords – they have a family account which is one simple cost per year and you can add up to 6 members to your family. Then, you can create shared folders in there or keep your own personal passwords separate.
To learn more about LastPass, click here.
Products I mentioned in the video:
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