Ask your technical team to create these 4 audiences within your Facebook Advertising account so that you can successfully retarget to consumers who have interacted with your brand.
1. Upload your email list
This is great for capturing everyone in your database. Once uploaded, Facebook will wash your email list against the emails in their database, and if they match, they will create a list of people directly from your database that you can market too.
You only need to upload a .csv file of email addresses or phone numbers for Facebook to use as a match identifier.
Include the date in your audience label so that you know how old the list is. Hopefully your list will keep growing so you will want to re-upload it a few times!
When to use?: Advertise a special offer around the holidays.
Create: Custom audience – Customer List – Upload a .csv file.
2. Upload your customer list
These are the people who have actually purchased something from you. This is slightly different from the first list you uploaded because these are ‘Hot’ leads since they have actually exchanged money with you before. You may want to think about segmenting by product purchased or category, depending on the type of business you have.
When to use?: Advertise a 25% offer for loyal customers
Create: Custom audience – Customer List – Upload .csv file
3. Create a ‘web traffic’ custom audience
Create this list to capture everyone who has landed on your domain in the last 180 days. We use the 180 day bucket so that you can capture a wider audience range to market to.
We always recommend to use the version of the domain that displays on Google. Type your website name into Google – Is it with or without the www? Use whichever version comes up as your main domain. (Google does actually view these as different domains).
When to use?: Retarget to people who visit your website with a recent blog that you just posted online.
Create: Custom audience for anyone who visits your website in the last 180 days.
4. Track a conversion on a thank you page
This audience should be created to capture the people who have already interacted with you on your site. You would create an audience with a portion of the landing page you are trying to track.
When to use?: You have an ad on Facebook to persuade someone to download an eBook. Once they download, you don’t necessarily want them to see it again because they have already received the eBook.
By creating this specific custom audience, we can actually exclude people from seeing certain ads twice.
Create: Custom Audience for people visiting specific web pages, but not others. Screenshot example below. Change the keywords to be appropriate for your business.
Now that you have enabled these custom audiences, you are easily able to use advertising to re-target your warm leads with specific offers.
If you have had success with other custom audiences, tell us in the comments below.
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