Create better meetings in Google Calendar
I was listening to a podcast about how to make meetings NOT suck (it’s one from Freakanomics). One of the ways is to have an agenda and clear instructions on what you’re actually going to talk about.
And it got me thinking about Google Calendar’s features that can help you plan your meetings.
This week I’m going to share how you can use Google Calendar to plan better meetings and make sure everyone has all of the information they need directly in a calendar invite.
Recommended Reading: 4 Tools I Use For Planning Meetings Across Timezones
How To Use Google Calendar To Plan Meetings
Typically when you’re going to plan a meeting, you get off the phone with the client or your team member and say, “Great! We have another meeting to discuss this.” At this point, you should start planning what you guys are going to discuss.
What I do is immediately come into my calendar, find the time and date to schedule and start to create the meeting. I then write the agenda, add the zoom link and add any relevant attachments to the calendar invite. This way all documents are available to everyone.
If you’re the one in charge of planning your meetings, watch the video above to see it in action.
If you know anyone who could use some advice on the technology available for planning better meetings, please share this tech tip with them!
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