Google is one of the first places consumers look when beginning their research on a particular business – whether it’s coffee, food, beauty services, home services, consultant services, etc. For sole traders or start ups, there is a real power in Google reviews too.
Obviously reviews are quite important to help you stand out from the competition – both for service based and brick and mortar businesses.
If you have already have an email list, it’s quite easy to ask people to leave you a review. In fact, you can even give them a link that will lead them directly to where they can leave a Google review.
Here’s how to do it
1. Make sure your business is on Google Maps
2. Find your Place Id. (Instructions are here)
3. Type in your business name and locate it. Highlight the place ID
4. Copy this link and add the place ID after it –
When people click the link, it will take them directly where they can leave a Google review.
Be honest with your customers about why you are doing it. That you are doing this for SEO, that you are a new business and reviews help you stand out, etc.
If you don’t have an email list, but have a POS system like Square, you technically have your customer’s emails there. Just make sure they have opted in to receive marketing information. Never send unsolicited email!
The simplest marketing is word of mouth and having reviews on Google is a great place to start.
Once people begin to leave reviews, make sure to monitor them and reply back so they know you received it.
You will be able to manage it directly in your My Business account.
Create action from insight.
- Download my free email template above
- Gather a list of clients you can contact
- Email them and ask for a review!
There are 3 ways you can engage with us:
1. Watch our Free training on how to streamline & automate your coaching business to run like a well-oiled machine at any scale (even if you hate tinkering with technology)
2. Download a Free copy of the Tech Toolkit used by high-ticket coaches to scale their business fast.
3. Book a Smartify Session. We’ll go through a game-plan that takes your business processes from clunky and disjointed to a well-oiled machine that enables you to scale to your 7 figure dreams.
Click here to Book a Smartify Session
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