Hello Measurement!
This is one of my favorite topics. If you’re a client or a reader of mine, you know how much I love Google Analytics, Excel Sheets and Dashboards.
Note: Keep reading if you are trying to understand what happens after people click on your website. This means you have some traffic already and you want to know key metrics to track so you can create actionable insights from your data.
I’m adamant about having measurement tools in place so we can track key metrics. It’s important to know that we are accurately measuring, attributing and acting on the full user journey to unlock new growth opportunities.
If we are just looking at the last click or the last touch point before a conversion then we could be missing another step contributing to the actual sale. This could also mean that we are missing potential growth opportunities in those other areas that exist on the consumer path.
Measurement also lays the foundation for optimisation success. When you’re able to increase the amount of data available and measure certain aspects of your website then you can find ways to decrease the cost per conversion.
‘A business that correctly tracks key metrics grows at a faster pace’.
I think the above statement makes sense because if we are correctly tracking what matters for the business then of course you’re going to grow because we know what is working and not working.
So, do you know what happens after a user clicks through to your site?
96% of the time when a user first visits a site, that user doesn’t convert. And it takes an average of 7 interactions for someone to actually convert. So it’s important to know what’s actually happening once someone lands on your site.
Here are a few tips for tracking key metrics to set you up for measurement success:
1. Sign up for Google Analytics.
a. I know that sounds simple enough, but a lot of people don’t have it and this is a FREE tool that will let you see some basic measurement options. Key metrics include:
2. Enable conversion tracking
If you are using Facebook or Google Adwords to drive traffic to your site then make sure you have added their conversion tracking codes to your site. This way you can understand whether your site visitors are completing the actions you want them to take when they land on the site.
3. Create a business measurement plan
Every business is different. Every business has different goals, different audiences and different conversion windows. Decide what key metrics are important for you.
a. Decide Your Macro Goal. This is the primary conversion on your website and what you want a visitor to primarily do when they come to your website. (Ex: Online Sales, Phone Call, Contact Form)
b. Decide your Micro Goal. This is the secondary conversion on your website. (Ex Sign up to your eNews, Download eBook)
c. Set both of these goals as Goals in Google Analytics. Here is an article on setting goals. This will help you see if your visitors are actually doing what you want them to do on your website.
And finally, just tracking sales and final conversions is not enough. It’s important to make sure that we are set up to measure every moment that matters to the business.
Of course your sales and conversions are important but if we are not measuring everything along the way then we are not accurately able to attribute what is really giving you that sale.
A customer could come from your email list or Instagram page, then read some blogs, come back 10 days later and then decide to purchase.
By beginning to implement some of these tactics, you’ll be able to see your customer’s path to purchase so you don’t waste money on areas that don’t convert.
Create action from insight…
Determine your macro and micro goals for your business right now and set those as goals in Google Analytics.
If you need help with deciding what key metrics to track, leave me a comment below.
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1. Watch our Free training on how to streamline & automate your coaching business to run like a well-oiled machine at any scale (even if you hate tinkering with technology)
2. Download a Free copy of the Tech Toolkit used by high-ticket coaches to scale their business fast.
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