Use WordPress? Make sure you use these plugins!
The first step is to make sure you have set up a site (NOT a site). The difference means you can have your OWN domain, which is very important when you are running a business and are going for brand consistency.
Jetpack provides security essentials for your WordPress site. It keeps your content safe, focuses on performance, stops spam and helps with traffic monitoring. It’s the first plugin I always install on my WordPress sites.
Your all in one SEO plugin is housed right in Yoast. It will help you… Get more visitors from Google and Bing, attract more visitors from social media and increase your readers’ engagement.
There are 3 ways you can engage with us:
1. Watch our Free training on how to streamline & automate your coaching business to run like a well-oiled machine at any scale (even if you hate tinkering with technology)
2. Download a Free copy of the Tech Toolkit used by high-ticket coaches to scale their business fast.
3. Book a Smartify Session. We’ll go through a game-plan that takes your business processes from clunky and disjointed to a well-oiled machine that enables you to scale to your 7 figure dreams.
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