Save Time and Money by Outsourcing Your Tech Needs
Managing a small business can be challenging, primarily if your areas of expertise lie outside the world of technology. Outsourcing tech-related tasks could allow you to save time and money while still maintaining control of your business. Here’s a list from Smartify My Biz to determine which tech-related tasks your company can outsource.
1. Web Design/Development
Creating a website can be complex for a start-up, especially if you’re not trained in the area. Outsourcing the design work will allow you to focus on your primary business goals rather than fiddling with code and server issues. Spend the time to find the right agency, and you’ll be able to concentrate on your company mission.
2. Social Media Management
Social media is a must-have but is time-consuming when done correctly. Finding a person to handle your social media accounts is a great way to save some hours each week. This would be perfect for someone in marketing with a background in social media fluency. If you don’t want to invest in social media management, consider using a software program to help manage your profiles. For example, Hootsuite is a popular option to manage all your social media accounts in one place.
3. IT Services
Running your own IT department can be a big headache. You have to worry about regular maintenance, security, backups for all your devices, and the upkeep of the servers. Outsourcing your IT needs can be a relief by allowing you to focus on growing your business while staying secure.
4. Software/App Development
If your business runs on technology, it’s crucial to have the right software available at all times. If you have a unique need not be met by commercial software, consider looking for a freelancer. A stellar developer can not only find a solution but also build it for you.
5. Cybersecurity
Small businesses are often considered the easiest target for cyberattacks. Protecting your company’s data requires a diligent effort, but there’s no need to do it all yourself. Outsourcing your cybersecurity needs is an easy way to save time and avoid making costly mistakes.
6. Inventory Management
Keeping track of your inventory can be a full-time job. You have to know what you have in stock and where it is. Outsourcing your inventory management needs can ensure that you don’t lose track of products or have to hire someone full-time to keep track of everything. Another option is to choose a software program to manage your inventory. There are several to choose from, such as Orderhive.
7. Accounting
Forming your business and managing its accounting can be stressful and expensive. A freelance accountant or online service can help you form your business, including filing the required legal paperwork, keeping your books in order, and providing valuable advice on your company’s financial decisions. The right software can also help you determine the most profitable way to do your taxes. Many companies such as Outright are now offering cloud-based accounting software.
Save Time and Money Outsourcing IT
Consider outsourcing these tasks to a third party or using comparable software to focus on growing your profits and business. For help deciding which services to outsource or automate, contact Smartify My Biz.
There are 3 ways you can engage with us:
1. Watch our Free training on how to streamline & automate your coaching business to run like a well-oiled machine at any scale (even if you hate tinkering with technology)
2. Download a Free copy of the Tech Toolkit used by high-ticket coaches to scale their business fast.
3. Book a Smartify Session. We’ll go through a game-plan that takes your business processes from clunky and disjointed to a well-oiled machine that enables you to scale to your 7 figure dreams.
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